Saturday, February 1, 2014

A package from Turkey!

Anticipation is such a wonderful experience.
I had a "heads up" that a special package was coming my way.

But, I'm getting ahead of myself, as I must tell you the history first.

How fortunate am I to have a cousin and his wife who bring foreign exchange students into their life; and, therefore into mine.

On one visit to my cousin's, I had the wonderful opportunity to become the "favorite American aunt" of my "favorite Turkish niece".

And now you are caught up on the story to where now this intriguing package arrived from ... Turkey!

During the visit to my cousin's house, I had my very first sip of Turkish coffee. What treat! Now,  I have to say that although I loved the coffee, the fact that it was made by my favorite Turkish niece, at my cousin's house ... may have added to my love of the coffee.
So today, the package arrives, complete with all that I need to prepare my own cup of Turkish coffee! As you can see, she thought of everything!

 The only thing missing is my favorite Turkish niece!
But ... in the most interesting way, she can sit right beside me as we use all the wonderful technology that let's me "talk" with her real time. 

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