Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Child's play!

 I think I am getting a better grasping on this whole Nana thing

I now get to buy and play with  all these cool toys that kids have now a days.
Of course you can grow these collections to be a small city!

But, it is so fun to hear a grandchild create and play with the lives of these little critters.

What's really funny is to hear how the play with these little families reflects the family of the one playing with them.  Sometimes I just have to laugh!

So, play is done ... for this time. Everything back in the drawers!

We closed up shop ... for today!

Next time it will be a new adventure, new story, more smiles and Nana will have a warm feeling for all that is in her life.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

There's a message here.....

Tulips from the January 17th, 2014 post

Even as the petals dry up, twist and turn and change their color....

...they actually become even more interesting.

They show their color, and texture and personalities in yet another way.
They have had their moments of intense and vibrant beauty.
They have earned the right to change in this new phase.
The change is a final phase ... and in its own right .... so beautiful.
The message is clear.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

There must be a story.

Here are the thoughts dancing in my head.. 

Back in the 1920's, 30"s, 40's,  I don't think life had so much "stuff" as it does today.  I expect that life had some hard edges and these little tea cups brought color and finery to a household.

 I bet there was such pride when coffee or tea were served in these little pieces. I bet there was a wonderful feeling of good ... ...
 I can just see the steam rising, the fingers wrapping .... 
and, no awareness that years and years would go by and someone would walk by the curio cabinet and think ....

I long to know the stories. But, they will remain quietly captured in these little pieces of history.

So pretty, so sweet .....

A little bit of green ....

... Enough white!

Right about now, I'm looking to grow things and seeing as though outside growing isn't even a possibility, I'll be content with my indoor lovelies.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Interesting shot ...

Lake Placid, NY
Sometimes I'm just walking along and something just snaps my head around and says .... capture me.  A few months back, that happened to me walking along the streets of Lake Placid.  I didn't even have my camera with me ... only my iPhone.

The picture still "talks" to me. 
There's just something mystical about it.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

A little sunshine in your life ...

Well, they kind of look like sunshine!

And, if sunshine had a taste, I bet this is what it would taste like.

 That sunshine sure feels good as it disappears.


Should I save that extra little sunshine?

 Hummmm... nope! not this time.


Friday, January 17, 2014

Every year .. it's the same old thing!

You might think that I am recycling the same old pictures year after year but I'm not!

This just happens to be the same old, "Oh my God this makes me feel good" series of shots!

Every year about this time. I start buying red tulips and put them in the blue and silver beer-stein.

I move them around the kitchen and the dining room.  
I turn them around and have them face different directions.
I play with light flowing over them.

Let's take a bet and see if they show up yet again in the next few weeks.
I'll bet you a bunch of tulips they do!

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Yes, I said shoes!

I'm sitting here wondering what shoes say about a person.

Or, perhaps they don't say anything .
Or ..... maybe it's just about the mood of the moment ... or the day.

But I bet they have some great stories to tell!

They pretty much have the inner scoop.

At the end of a day, they've earned the right to be kicked off and left to rest.
Guess today was a fanciful, whimsical, free spirit kind of day.
Yay shoes! Good job!

Friday, January 10, 2014


Lake Ontario, Rochester NY

It must be friendship that keeps this group together.

Why else would you be casually meandering around in water that is close to freezing.

I wonder what they are saying to each other? Perhaps it's something like .... boy look at that crazy person with the camera slipping and sliding and trying to not fall in the water! What's up with her?!

Lessons learned :
Even the coldest weather is tolerable when your "buddies" are beside you.

Thursday, January 9, 2014