Sunday, February 15, 2015

Winter Feathers!

 He doesn't even know how beautiful he is!

Nor does she, in her effort to camouflage her body and protect her young.

 Their beauty is striking.

 Ahhhhh, the colors of winter. I will always marvel at the incredible beauty that can be found against the glistening snow.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The "Dance of the Twigs" .... .....

I am simply going to set the stage and then I am going to let you enjoy the "dance".
My brother-in-law has a gift .... a gift of taking the ordinary and making something extraordinary!
While walking a path, he picks up sticks and then creates one beautiful "dance".  Enjoy!

 Today, the "Dance of the Twigs" rests on top of my painting of the Adirondacks.  It seems appropriate that the two are together.  However, as my mood changes, the "Dance of the Twigs" may end up back on the mantel or somewhere else that I will walk by and think .... this makes me happy.

MS ... you have incredible vision and a true gift.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Bling ... for your day...

Every time I walk by my mantel I am transported to some magical land. I'm drawn to the sparkle, the beauty of the glass, the warmth of the candles .... I go somewhere in my head ... and wander .....

I find myself concentrating on sections, pieces, bigger sections ....

I always find myself gazing deep into the glass trees ... deeper and deeper ... drawn to their beautiful core.

And, then I step away .... walk to get my cup of coffee ... and am grateful for the combination that excites my heart ....and makes me dream of what the next version of the mantel will be.