Saturday, March 30, 2013

A little Fairy Garden action!

In my garage.
What to do with fallen off tree bark, pine cones, twine,  decorative grass reeds ...... and other stuff in my yard .... but of course ..... build a fairy house!  It's not suppose to be pretty .... but, it is suppose to be made from natural fibers.  OK, done that!

In my garden

So what if it's 38 degrees out and I'm playing in my garden!  My neighbors are use to that.

My excuse is .... oh yes ... this is for my grandchildren.  Right! Well, I guess sort of.

I know that given warm sunny days and plants growing in the garden, there will be a natural curiosity to play and move things around.

I think I just came up with a piece of the definition of grandchildren! Grandchildren are = little beings that allow older beings to transition back to being a child and playing in a fantasy world.  I'm loving it!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Through a little girl's eye ...

My little home town.  Do you ever try to go back in your mind and picture your world through your child's eyes? I find it to be a fascinating exercise.

The Town Hall ....this is where my Dad worked ... as a policeman.  I remember walking in the side door that was the entrance to the police station.  And, there were cells! And a desk .. or two .... and my Dad in his blue uniform ....

Just down the street from the Police Station was St Bernard's School .... my elementary school. I can still picture the classrooms and the green railing leading down to the cafeteria ... and the smell in the cafeteria. I remember in one classroom there was a long cloak room where we all hung our coats and put our boots.  Our desks had tops that opened up and we had little clear plastic bags for our pencils and rulers.

This was the view on my walk home from school. My house sat on the lake across from Friary (building you see on the hill).  I remember standing on our dock on Sunday mornings and listening to the chants of the friars.

Here is my street - we lived at the end.  I loved walking down this street.... talking to the dogs, playing in the little running water paths along the side, building up sand dunes to channel the water in a swerve path. My best friends lived in the house at the end of the driveway on the right.  My grandmother lived about half way up the street on the left in a little bungalow. And, there was a "huge" green apple tree across the street from her house that I use to climb up and pick a little green apple to eat.

I don't think there is a child in Saranac Lake that doesn't have memories of the Custard Stand.  A vanilla ice cream cone with hard cherry topping or sprinkles and the ice cream running down your hand because you couldn't lick it fast enough.

It all seemed so big back them. Maybe it's not really so big .... but, it sure is important. That little girl's eye has happy memories.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sometimes those mountains call me ...

Saranac Lake, NY
 Indisputably, the Adirondacks are so beautiful.

 There are times when I feel such a longing to find a quiet place to sit and take in the beauty.  And then I am thankful for my oil paintings and my pictures to take me back.

 I can almost hear the wind blowing along the ridge, see the birds playing on the currents, imagine the view.
The Adirondacks are well lived ... and like a mother's arms.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The unexpected ....

Sometimes it's the unexpected vision that creates a smile.

I was fascinated and drawn to the color, texture ... simplicity as I walked by my kitchen sink.

Hope you smiled too!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

A moment of simplicity ...

Sometimes I just want to hold still ...
slow my breath ....
listen to my heart beat.

 And ... enjoy the moment.

That moment .... can re-balance the spirit.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

For the love of green ....

 Green - such a wonderful color.

Clean, fresh ... strong.

If I can't be in my garden then I will happily 
tend to the greenery in the rooms of my house. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

My fine feathered friend!

This guy has been hanging around my backyard for a few years.  He's pretty comfortable with us given that the feeder is about 8 feet from the door.  Unfortunately the pictures are taken through glass and screens; but, he's worth posting!

I think he's spectacular!

Sunday, March 17, 2013