So .... working in my garden, I noticed some movement under the ornamental grasses.
Hummm ... better check this out a little further.
Well then ... my dinner guests (completely self invited!) are only about 3 inches long!
There were three guests and they sure were cute.
They aren't even shy.
Sure wish they wouldn't develop such a ravenous appetite when visiting my yard!
I'm betting this is Mama, lounging in the grass.
She's a bit more hesitant when I approach her and rightfully so if she saw the near miss earlier.
Want the story?
I'm mowing my lawn, on my sit down mower. LUCKILY, I happened to glance just in front of the mower and noticed this little head peaking out of the grass. Have you ever seen someone whip their mower in another direction so fast that they are nearly on two wheels? It must have been pretty comical to watch. OMG, not on my watch ... you guys are not meeting a demise on my watch! Rest assured, that mower was in slow motion for the rest of the night and all three little bunnies were happy lounging in the garden. I'm directing them to my weeds! Bon appetite!