Nestled into a small dark corner of the entrance to a beautiful old one room school house, is a vintage broom that just seems to have a story to tell. The well worn bristles have completed the duty of the guiding hands. Even the cob web tells the story of the hard work of the spider trying to weave it's web. Depth and character ... it's all there.
A bit further down the road was such an usual sight that after driving by it, I just had to go back and check it out further. Looking at it from a distance was integrating but just not enough. Coming in closer, I started circling these mournful structures. Getting closer just added to the intrigue. I actually felt myself start to sway ... what the heck! There is a strange life to these teepees.
And, the unexpected silhouette of the grace of the twigs creates it's own beautiful, peaceful sense.
All this ... gifts from the mystery of the woods. It's so worth the price of admission!
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