Saturday, October 5, 2013

Smuggler's Notch ....

Every time I go to Vermont, I want to drive through Smuggler's Notch.  
And, most times I get my wish.

 I love the road, the trees, the twists and turns, the name and the images that get conjured up in my head about why it has the name.

I start dreaming about the book that could be  written.

I want to "hear" the author describe the beautiful silver, glimmering bark of the silver birch. I want to read the words that talk about the clean crisp green leaves layered against the subtle changes of fall colors. I want to read about how the air smells earthy.

I want to read about the people traveling through the narrow, rock encroached roadway that winds its way along the side of the mountain.

I know it's a story that I would read with great hunger for what is on the next page.
I can feel it.

But, I had to say good-bye again. I'll be back soon..... looking for more of the story.

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