Wandering around my yard today ... I notice the daffodils poking through the snow. My grandfather use to say, 'Snow is a poor man's fertilizer".
I think my heather must be listening to Grandpa ..... they are blooming! The pink and also the white ones, are "strutting their stuff" against a beautiful, pure white background.

And, those forsythia, who promise a blaze of color that rivals the sun, are setting their buds and saying, "We are on our way"!
And, then there is those round buttons of Sebum that are fancy and strong and to me, one of the most interesting plants in my garden. Do you know, if you want to start a new plant, simply pull off a leaf, stick it in moist dirt, and voila!

How about those succulents that I put in the broken down water fountain .... what a lovely color of burgundy. They are one tough plant! I like their personality!
Can you identify this? Magnolia! Talk about a promise of beauty! I am grateful that my tree is about 20 ft high now ... the deer can't reach those buds on top!
Forever an intrigue to me .... the cones on my pine tree. I love them.... and love their "parents" too.
Look at those Red Maple buds ... just busting at the seams.

Speaking of deer .... they are wandering the whole darn yard. But, this year I have outsmarted them with netting on anything that they think is delicious .... which is just about everything. Perhaps next year I will buy stock in the deer netting manufacturing company!
No need to explain the anticipation with Irises ....
I can't recall the name of this bush ... but it is filled with beautiful peach colored blossoms - a true bush to behold.
And, I simply couldn't resist cutting some forsythia branches and bringing them into my kitchen. I hope the buds will flower ... I have great anticipation of their wonderful show of color .... what an exciting addiction!